
In between projects for others, and looking for new employment, and catching up on household chores, I have made my own fun. Here are a few sketches and trifles from the last month.

Here is a pandemic birthday card for myself, animated clunkily in Photoshop.
I rescued a large old window from a parking strip, and now have plans to paint something like this on the glass–in reverse! Why? Because I like to make things difficult.
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Sewing So Far

I’ve been obsessed with sewing for many years, but was very intimidated. While I was bored out of my skull in Alaska (I don’t hike or ski or fish, it was a little rough that winter), I used my landlady’s 1930 Singer to make a dress and a skirt and a hat. I still wear the hat!

Since then I’ve made minor but consistent progress. But man, since the global catastrophe canceled everything, I’ve sewn a lot more.

Here is a gallery of everything I’ve sewn and can find the pictures of, up until now: August 4, 2020.

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