Dream sketches Sept-Oct 2020

Since I have a little time in the mornings, I’ve been sketching my dreams as I try to learn photoshop better. Here are the latest:

A craggy man in an ’80s campervan tried to sell me a “paint system” with this promotional graphic.
All I remember is my very cute gloves.
My most frequent anxiety dreams have to do with finding the right clothes and have since childhood.
Dreamed I spent my wedding night in a rustic countryside house in a very chic chiffon nightgown.
Several years ago I dreamed I had an invisible baby for whom I was very worried. Did I make enough eye contact? Will she run into traffic?

I don’t tend to dream in pink, but I sure seem to enjoy painting with it.

Finally, I made physical an object my husband saw in a dream which he found disappointingly false in its advertising.

“The sign said MUMMIES! But when I got up close, it was just little bags of screws! Total ripoff!”

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